September 25, 2021
September 25, 2021
For a business to have a thriving work environment, team members must trust each other. This is even more important in a remote setting because not sharing the same work environment makes it hard for colleagues to develop relationships. Thus, employers must encourage trust values in the workplace, whether onsite or remotely.
Trust among colleagues increases dedication to tasks, lowers stress levels, and improves overall satisfaction. Also, employees who trust each other have more energy and are less likely to feel burnout because of their cohesive working nature. With this in mind, check out a few tips on how to build trust with colleagues.
If you want people to trust you, you must keep your promises to them. For instance, if you promised to help a colleague with a project, you can’t bail out on them at the last minute. You also cannot choose not to show up after they’ve created a plan around you. If for any reason you can’t keep your word, you must inform them ahead of time. Overpromising and under-delivering in the workplace is never a good idea, so avoid it.
Effective communication also fosters trust. Avoid using ambiguous words when speaking; communicate clearly so that the hearer knows your intent immediately. Whether you’re communicating via email or face-to-face, be professional yet friendly. Never sound condescending, and when communicating in person, pay attention to body language. It also helps to actively listen to what your colleague says, so you don’t misinterpret their words or intent.
Most people can spot fake interest instantly, so do away with pretentious acts. Instead, be genuine when asking your colleagues questions, whether about work or their personal lives. Ensure they know you’re not asking for the office gossip mill but because you’re interested in building a friendship with them. It will also help if you remember their special days like birthdays, wedding anniversaries, etc.
Nothing kills trust among colleagues than not knowing when you’re wrong and apologizing for your mistakes. If your mistake impacted your team, be proactive in taking steps to fix it, and don’t try to make excuses for yourself. Not only does this make you out as someone who can accept responsibility, your colleagues know they can trust you to put the team’s needs above your own.
People want to know that their thoughts and opinions matter. Hence, you must value them and the role they play in the organization. Even if you feel your responsibilities outweigh theirs, still celebrate the uniqueness they bring to the company. This is because you all need each other for the business to succeed.
When your company organizes fun corporate team-building activities, be a part of it. A relaxing environment is an excellent platform for colleagues to build trust. You should be actively involved in the games and not keep to yourself.
At Live in Theater, we help companies organize team-building activities on Zoom, including parties and celebrations. These activities allow teammates to have fun while getting to know each other. So, are you a business owner looking to build trust with colleagues? Contact us today to learn more about our top-rated virtual theater corporate events.